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Can I use different company names and logos for different client interfaces?

We're actively rewriting our user guide, so check back for improved coverage.

Yes, you can create different template groups (Admin CP > Templates > Groups > New) and specify "Company Name" for each template group accordingly. For different logos, "header" template can be modified for each template group from:

 Admin CP > Templates > Templates > General.

Following code needs to be modified at the above mentioned template:


<div id="topbanner"><a href="<{$_baseName}><{$_templateGroupPrefix}>"><img border="0" src="<{$_headerImageSC}>" alt="Kayako <{$_productTitle}> Logo" id="logo" /></a></div>


Here, you need to replace src="<{$_headerImageSC}>" code with logo image URL.

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  1. Sukhpreet Anand

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