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User Accounts

Learn all about creating, configuring, and managing Kayako Classic user accounts.

  • Creating staff accounts and assigning them to teams

    Staff user accounts are created and managed within the admin control panel. A staff user account can be a regular staff user account (that has access only to the staff control panel) or it can be an a...

  • Importing users from other CRM or mailing list

    Many organizations maintain their clients' or end users' database, and they expect to use the same database in their Kayako Classic helpdesk for the sake of user database integrity. Hence, the option ...

  • Adding and managing user organizations

    Your customer user accounts can be grouped into organizations. The e-mail domain filter feature implemented within the user organization module allows you to specify any number of domain names that be...

  • Searching for users and organizations

    In the staff control panel, Kayako Classic includes a search tool you can use to locate users or user organizations in your helpdesk. The advanced search feature allows you to filter the list of users...

  • Adding customers to an organization automatically

    Adding users to a particular organization is helpful if you want to run reports or filter users according to their organization. You can do so automatically by specifying the email domain name under t...