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Can I disable the search bar on my support site?

We're actively rewriting our user guide, so check back for improved coverage.

"Search" feature can be disabled from Client Support Center by removing the Search box from the template code.

"Search box" can be removed by modifying the 'header' template from Admin CP > Templates > Templates > General.

Following code needs to be removed from the 'header' template :

<form method="post" id="searchform" action="<{$_baseName}><{$_templateGroupPrefix}>/Base/Search/Index" name="SearchForm">
                <div class="helptitle"><{if $_baseIndex == true}><{$_language[pleasetypeyourquestion]}><{else}><{$_language[pleasetypeyourquery]}><{/if}></div>
<div class="searchboxcontainer">
<div class="searchbox">
<span class="searchbuttoncontainer">
<a class="searchbutton" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="$('#searchform').submit();"><span></span><{$_language[searchbutton]}></a>
<span class="searchinputcontainer"><input type="text" name="searchquery" class="searchquery" onclick="javascript: if ($(this).val() == '<{$_language[pleasetypeyourquestion]}>' || $(this).val() == '<{$_language[pleasetypeyourquery]}>') { $(this).val('').addClass('searchqueryactive'); }" value="<{if $_baseIndex == true}><{$_language[pleasetypeyourquestion]}><{else}><{$_language[pleasetypeyourquery]}><{/if}>" /></span>
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  1. Gurpreet Singh

  2. Posted
  3. Updated