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Removing previous replies from incoming emails using breaklines

We're actively rewriting our user guide, so check back for improved coverage.

Breaklines are common strings that denote the end of a new e-mail reply, where previous replies have been conserved. In other words, the Breaklines in Fusion prevents the addition of previously quoted content in an e-mail reply. Help desk will strip the entire text that follows the Breakline. The parser strips off the content to ensure the threaded ticket view within the client support interface and staff control panel is clean when viewing a ticket. An example of Breaklines:

Original reply by client via E-mail :
Reply Content
—---Original Message-----
Quoted Message

Result (after ticket is parsed in the help desk):
Reply Content

Breaklines can be added from Admin CP > Mail parser > Breaklines > New. Breaklines can be added as plain text or using regular expression and specifying them as 'Regex'. Additionally, if you want that inserted Breakline should append in all the ticket replies automatically, then Breakline can be added at the above of the below mentioned templates from Admin CP > Templates > Templates > Tickets :

* email_ticketstaffreplyhtml
* email_ticketstaffreplytext

Please Note:
1. Breaklines only work on tickets created via e-mail / Mail Parser and do not work on tickets that are created via the client support center.
2. These do not apply on new tickets. Means, if a client creates a new ticket via e-mail, which contains a text matching to a Breakline, it will not strip the text off from this first post.
3. The Breaklines text will only be matched to *replies* to the existing tickets, which are being sent via e-mail.

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