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How can I enable breaklines in my ticket thread?

We're actively rewriting our user guide, so check back for improved coverage.

From 4.93 version Kayako handles the ticket content internally, including user and staff replies, as HTML. But how it is displayed is configured with these settings:HTML handling (on the web and in email notifications) and HTML handling (for staff replies)

To enable breaklines  follow the steps below:

Enable TinyMCE Editor, if disabled, under: Admin Control Panel > Tickets > Settings

Than adjust Tickets settings:

Admin Control Panel > Email Parser > Settings > Prioritize email content type = HTML 

Admin Control Panel > Tickets > Settings > HTML handling (on the web and in email notifications) = Allow HTML

Admin Control Panel > Tickets > Settings > HTML handling (for staff replies) = Allow HTML

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  1. Alina Maxi

  2. Posted